manifestation coach




 Welcome to my website my name is Mel using the Law of Attraction & NLP techniques I can help YOU be the best version of yourself. By having confidence and the ability to love yourself FIRST you can achieve your desires in any aspect of your life. Whether it’s your love life, or financial gains you can be truly abundant.




The best version of you

You are Entering A Powerful Chapter Of Your Life

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my Happy Clients!

Honestly you really helped me a lot. I’ve been positive and happy. I must say you are the best. You are always ready to listen to me and help me out. Since I’ve started following your advice and coaching things have been really easy and smooth for me. I’m really grateful 🙏🏼


Awa Paul

I really feel the Law of Attraction is the reason I found Mel just when I needed someone. She is very genuine and I feel hopeful again from everything that Mel has given me and guided me on. I’m new to the whole concept of manifesting and LOA but she took time to explain everything and was very patient. I’m so grateful to have found Mel.


Gemma Louise


Mel has really helped me build my self confidence after years of speaking to counsellors and trying to live a normal life I really struggled on a daily basis. She has given me some practices to implement and within weeks I feel like a new me 🙂 Wish I came across her earlier!


Lisa Hay